Tuesday, 8 November 2016


Derivational & Inflectional

Derivational morphemes are bound morpheme which are used to create new words or to produce words of different grammatical category (parts of speech) from the stem.

For example the addition of the derivational morpheme 'able' changes verb read to the adjective 'readable'.

Derivational & Inflectional continued…..
Derivational morphemes are realized through prefixes as well as suffixes.

nice + -ly = nicely (suffix)
un- + happy = unhappy (prefix)

prefix: re-, pre-, ex-, mis-, un-……
suffix: -ful, -less, -ly, -ment……..

Derivational & Inflectional continued…..
Inflectional morphemes are bound morphemes which are not used to produce new words in the language , but rather to indicate aspects of the grammatical function of a word.

Inflectional morphemes are just used to show if a word is plural or singular, if it is past tense or not, and if it is a comparative or possessive form .

Derivational & Inflectional continued…..

DERIVATIONAL MORPHEMES The basic concept of derivational morphemes is that they derive new words. 

In the following examples, derivational morphemes are added to produce new words which are derived from the „parent word‟ (root).  happy – happiness (adjective) (noun)  beauty – beautiful – beautifully (noun) (adjective) (adverb)  danger – dangerous (noun) (adjective) In all cases, the derived word means something different than the root, and the word class may change with each derivation. 

Derivational & Inflectional continued…..
Derivation does not always cause the change of word class; but in such a case, the meaning of word will usually be significantly different from the root.  Examples: visible – invisible (Adjective) (Adjective) create – recreate Different meaning from the root (different (noun) (noun) category) but still in the same word classes. market – supermarket (noun) (noun) terminate – determinate (verb) (verb) 

Derivational & Inflectional continued…..

English has only eight inflectional morphemes:

         boys (-s)  plural
         boy’s (-’s) possessive

        brighter (-er) comparative
        brightest (-est) superlative

walked (-ed) past tense
walking (-ing) present participle
walks (-s) 3rd person singular
written (-en) past participle


  1. Differences between D M and Inflectional M :
    1. D M used to make new words.Inflectional M used to indicate the grammatical function of a word.
    2.D M are included prefixes as well as suffixes. All inflections are suffixes.
    3 English has infinite number of DM whereas inflections are only 8.
    4.D M make words of different grammatical category. e.g paint ( v ) → painter ( n ). Inflectional M remains the same word class e.g walk ( v ) → walked ( v ).
    5.DM doesn't change the word class but the meaning noticeably different e.g complete → incomplete. Inflectional M always have the same word class and meaning.
    6.D M used to form nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.Inflectional M used to form nouns, verbs and adjectives only.

    1. Hi Summaya, once again you have proved to be very active with your instant responses to the questions on the blog. I really appreciate it and feel so happy about it. Your answer is correct with a minor correction. Read again the first part of point 5 and the second part of point 6 in your answer to make sure that your statements are true or not. You have done well. keep going..........

  2. 5.DM doesn't always change the word class
    6 . Inflectional M used to indicate nouns, verbs, adjectives only

    1. Hi Summaya, Yea, this time you have got them right. Congratulations! Keep it up.

  3. 1_D M is used to make new words but inflectional M is not used to produce new words in the language

    2_D M is used to make words of diffrent grammatical category from the stem e.g ; ness ___changes the adj good to the noun goodness ,while inflectional M indicates aspects of the grammatical function of a word

    3 D M includes suffixes e.g ( ish __foolish) and prefixes e.g ( re , ex , pre etc..) while all inflectional are suffixes

    4_ In English ,there are only eight inflectional morphemes while in D M has infinite number
    Noun ___s' _ s
    Verb_ s_ing _ed_en
    Adjective_er _est

    5_inflectional M have the same word class and the meaning while the D M doesn't chane the word class but the meaning e.g
    Care ____Careful _or_careless

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